दौरे की रिपोर्ट
<span>यहां क्लिक करें</span>
सभी रिपोर्ट देखने के लिए

महत्‍वपूर्ण सूचना, 2008-09

SNo. Subjet/Issues Document
51 Inflow/Outflow of details of Receipts from 01/04/2008 to 31/03/2009 (54.00 KB)
52 Disposal of cases by Scrutiny Committee during 2007-08 (36.50 KB)
53 Classification of comments- Caste status of children of parents contracted inter-caste marriage - modification - Govt. of Kerala Order dated 20th November, 2008
54 Dereservation proposals received from various Ministries/ Deptts. during 2008-09 (309.00 KB)
55 DoPT OM No. 36011/3/2005-Estt.(Res.) dated 9th September, 2005 (144.28 KB)
56 Caste status of off-springs of inter-caste married couples - MHA letter No. 39/37/73-SCT.1 dated 21st May, 1977
57 Percentage disposal by Police of cases for crimes committed Against Scheduled Tribes during 2007 (27.22 KB)
58 DoPT OM No. 36022/1/2007-Estt.(Res.)--Estt.(Res.) dated 20th March, 2007 (1.34 MB)
59 DoPT &A.R. No. 36011/16/80-Estt.(SCT) dated 27/02/81 (57.09 KB)


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