दौरे की रिपोर्ट
<span>यहां क्लिक करें</span>
सभी रिपोर्ट देखने के लिए

नीति संबंधी मुद्दे

Sl No. Subject/Issues Remarks
1 Enumeration of Migrant STs (158 किलोबाइट)  
2 R & R in Mining Related Projects (372 किलोबाइट)  
3 Implementation of Forest Right Act (355 किलोबाइट)  
4 Amendment of Forest Right Act (270 किलोबाइट)  
5 Amendment of Land Acquisition and RR Bill (1.5 मेगा बाइट)  
6 Consultation on Policy Related Issues (279 किलोबाइट) , (See Annnexure) (167 किलोबाइट)  
7 Clarification of MTA regarding Dhanka in Rajasthan (364 किलोबाइट)  
8 Suggestions of the Commission on Mines & Minerals (Dev & Reg) (1.6 मेगा बाइट)  
9 View of the Commission on Strengthening of Central Zoo Authority (398 किलोबाइट)  
10 National Integration Council - Material furnished (428 किलोबाइट)  
11 Min. of Law reference to Cabinet Secretary regarding consultation with Commission on MMDR Bill-2010 (139 किलोबाइट)  
12 Draft National Foof Security Bill - 2011 (147 किलोबाइट)  
13 Draft Mines and Minerals (Development &Regulation) Bill, 2011 [MMDR Bill-2011] (523 किलोबाइट)  
14 Views/Comments of the NCST on the Delhi Commission for Sheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes Bill, 2012 (506 किलोबाइट) Policy-4-Delhi-2012-RU-I
15 Restructuring of National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (NMDFC) - Comments thereon - Proposal of Ministry of Tribal Affairs (203 किलोबाइट) Policy/6/Dev/MoMA/ 2012/RU-II
16 Memorandum of Expenditure Finance Committee on restructuring of Multi-sectoral Development Programmes - Proposal of Ministry of Minority Affairs (164 किलोबाइट) Policy/5/Dev/MoMA/ 2012/RU-II
17 Setting up Land Banks comprising of lands resumed by the Govt. to prevent alienation of the land in cases of mortgage default by the ST and consequent sale by Banks of their land to non-tribals (45.4 किलोबाइट) DO No. CP/NCST/2012/MTA/298
18 Proceedings of sitting by the Chairperson NCST on 22/05/2013 in connection with review of system/procedures with regard to processing of cases pertaining to inclusion/exclusion of communities in the ST List (147 किलोबाइट) 17/5/Inclusion/2013/RU-III
19 Inclusion of Bhuinya\Bhuiyan\Bhuyan Communities as synonyms of Bharia Bhumia listed at Sl. No. 5 in the list of Scheduled Tribes in Chhattisgarh (53.7 किलोबाइट) 17/10/Inclusion/2013/RU-III
20 Comments on the Recommendations of the Standing Committee on the MMDR Bill (101 किलोबाइट)  
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