दौरे की रिपोर्ट
<span>यहां क्लिक करें</span>
सभी रिपोर्ट देखने के लिए

महत्‍वपूर्ण सूचना, 2008-09

SNo. Subjet/Issues Document
31 MHA letter No. BC-16014/1/82-SC&BCD-I dated 6th August, 1984
32 Comments of the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes on Study on Performance of the NCST conducted by Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi (154.50 KB)
33 D.O. No. INC/ EXE/ 01/ ST-2005/ SSW dated 14/10/2005 (102.50 KB)
34 MHA letter No. 35/1/72-RU(SCT-V) dated 2nd May, 1975
35 Status of Files registered up to 31/03/2009 (50.50 KB)
36 Disposal of cases by Scrutiny Committee during 2007-08 (35.50 KB)
37 Classification of comments- Caste status of children of parents contracted inter-caste marriage - modification - Govt. of Kerala Order dated 20th November, 2008
38 Inflow/Outflow of details of Receipts from 01/04/2008 to 31/03/2009 (54.00 KB)
39 Disposal of cases by Scrutiny Committee during 2007-08 (36.50 KB)
40 Caste status of off-springs of inter-caste married couples - MHA letter No. 39/37/73-SCT.1 dated 21st May, 1977


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