दौरे की रिपोर्ट
<span>यहां क्लिक करें</span>
सभी रिपोर्ट देखने के लिए

लोक सभा और राज्य सभा के अनुसूचित जनजाति के सांसदों के लिए पत्र

SNo Subject/Issues File Link


DO Letters to Scheduled Tribes Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha MPs on Land Acquisition (Rehabilitation and Resettlement) Bill- 2011, Mines and Minerals(Dev & Reg) Bill - 2011 and The National Food Security Bill-2011 vide D.O. 12/4/2011-Coord dated 15th and 19th Dec, 2011

PDF(English) (2.5 मेगा बाइट)

Vikas Budgethttps://india.gov.in, The National Portal of India : External website that opens in a new windowhttps://www.digitalindia.gov.in/, Digital India Programme : External website that opens in a new window
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