दौरे की रिपोर्ट
<span>यहां क्लिक करें</span>
सभी रिपोर्ट देखने के लिए

राष्‍ट्रीय अनुसूचित जनजाति आयोग के प्रतिवेदन

अनुसूचित जनजातियों के लिए राष्ट्रीय आयोग ने वार्षिक रिपोर्ट प्रस्तुत की है, जिसका विवरण नीचे बताया गया है
Sl No. Reports of the NCST Period Submitted to the President of India Laid in the Lok Sabha Laid in the Rajya Sabha
1 First Annual Report 2004-05 - 2005-06 08.08.2006 31/08/2012 30/08/2012
2 Second Annual Report 2006-07 30/09/2008 26/04/2013 02/05/2013
3 Third Annual Report 2007-08 29.03.2010 08/08/2016 10/08/2016
4 Fourth Annual Report 2008-09 27.08.2010 08/08/2016 10/08/2016
5 Fifth Annual Report 2009-10 13.07.2011 08/08/2016 10/08/2016
6 Special Report of Good Governance for Tribal Development and Administration May 2012 18.06.2012 13/12/2013 12/12/2013
7 Sixth Annual Report 2010-11 25.10.2013 10/04/2017 29/03/2017
8 Seventh Annual Report 2011-12 20.02.2015 10/04/2017 29/03/2017
9 Eighth Annual Report 2012-13 16.11.2015 10/04/2017 29/03/2017
10 Ninth Annual Report 2013-14 24/05/2016 31/12/2018 03/01/2019
11 Tenth Annual Report 2014-15 31/05/2016 11/02/2019 07/02/2019
12 Eleventh Annual Report 2015-16 28/10/2016 25/11/2019 28/11/2019
13 Special Report On Indira Sagar Polavaram Project Affected Tribal People 2018 03/07/2018 Yet to be laid* Yet to be laid*
14 Twelfth Annual Report 2016-17 14/11/2019 Yet to be laid* Yet to be laid*
15 Thirteenth Annual Report 2017-18 15/01/2020 Yet to be laid* Yet to be laid*
16 Special Report On the status of Rourkela Steel Plant on Rehabilitation & Resettlement of Displaced Tribal 2020 15/01/2020 Yet to be laid* Yet to be laid*
17 Fourteenth Annual Report 2018-19 24/03/2021 Yet to be laid* Yet to be laid*
15 Fifteenth Annual Report 2019-20 Under-preparation Yet to be laid* Yet to be laid*

* रिपोर्ट संसद के समक्ष प्रस्तुत की गई है.

Vikas Budgethttps://india.gov.in, The National Portal of India : External website that opens in a new windowhttps://www.digitalindia.gov.in/, Digital India Programme : External website that opens in a new window
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