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Letter to Joint Secretary (Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Shastri Bhawan) vide File No. 23/15/2012/M/o Youth Affairs & Sports/RU-I dated 26.12.2012 regarding Comments on the Bill, 2011 Draft EFC proposal for converting Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development into an institute of National Importance in the 40th Meeting of the Commission.
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Letter to The Secretary (Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Shastri Bhawan) vide File No. Policy/5/2012/RU-I dated 26.12.2012 regarding Draft EFC for setting up of National Institute of Sports Sciences & Medicine received from the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports-Views/Comments of NCST in the 40th Meeting of the Commission.
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Letter to Shri Pradeep Majhi(Member of Parliament) sent on 11/06/2013 vide D.O. No. 17/4/Inclusion/2013/RU-III regarding inclusion of Konda Reddy/Kondi Reddi Tribe in the list of Scheduled Tribes in the State of Orrisa.
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DO letter no. 16/18/Review/Monitoring/Singrauli/Anuppur/2012/RU-III dated 03/10/2012
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Letter to CM vide DO No. 23/02/12-Cood. dated 27/08/2012 regarding the assessment of the NCST with regard to implementation of various development schemes and safeguards concerning to STs in the State of J&K.
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Letter to The Secretary (Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Shastri Bhawan) vide File No. Policy-7/2013/(MSJ&E)/RU-II dated 15.05.2013 regarding draft note for the Cabinet in regard to amendments in the SC and the ST(Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989.
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Letter to Dr. A. Vidya Sagar(Principal Secretary to Government, A.P. Secretariat) sent on 10/07/2013 vide File No. 17/1/13-Coord. regarding Tribal Welfare Deptt. - Amendment to Act 9 of 2003 regarding the constitution of Andhra Pradesh State Commission for ST - constitution of two separate Commission for SC's & ST's respectively - remarks/views - Reg.
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Letter to Under Secretary (Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, North Block) vide File No. Policy-8/Service/DO&PT/(Roster Point) 2012/RU-I dated 26.12.2012 regarding Review of procedure regarding L-Shaped(14 Point) Roster in the 40th Meeting of the Commission.
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Letter to Dr M S Ahluwalia (Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission) sent on 07/11/2012 vide DO No. 16/07/M/OAgriculture/ Review/2012/RU-III dated 07/11/2012 regarding meeting with the officials of the Ministry of Agriculture on 30/10/2012 to review implementation of the Tribal Sub-Plan and safeguards provided for STs
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